Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

interesting, but hearing loss

is a main symptom of MD and it isn't listed on the TMJ symptoms. Neither is aural fullness, which I have experienced (but not for a while).

I was tested last year: after I had experienced a sharp loss of hearing one night in August, 2010 while on the boat in Maine, I saw a Park Ave. MD after I returned to the City and was given a battery of tests. I had steroid shots in the ear (ouch!) but that disn't work and I knew then that the hearing loss was basically permanent. At the time I was also given a test for balance (which was not pleasant!) but the results showed that my sense of balance was OK. This was basically the reason I was not diagnosed with MD last year. The hearing test this year also showed an increased hearing loss but I expected that my hearing in that ear would get gradually worse. The vertigo attack was a new experience. I've never been seasick (or even carsick) in my life. The day after the vertigo attack in June I accepted an invitation from my Uncle to go fishing on his boat - I wanted to test a theory. My theory was that I felt fine, but I wanted a chance to get on the water and underway to test it. I felt fine and I didn't experience any problems once I got underway in my own boat.


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