That was nasty over too many days for you. Seems like waiting for better conditions might have been a nicer option. I admire your toughness.
We were fortunate to have to wait just a day at Puerto Los Cabos before going all the way to Turtle Bay in one hop. As you did, we saw steady head currents in the one knot range but only a max of about 15-20 knots wind true on the nose after clearing the Cabo Falso washing machine. We let some weather pass for three days in Turtle Bay, then had okay (15 knot headwinds) from there to San Diego in the next hop. Funny how our time going up to Santa Catalina and back down to Ensenada we had headwinds much of the time. The 7 day YachtPath trip from there to Nanaimo, BC was easy on us and the boat, the pocket book? ... not so much. All in all a great trip.
Sorry we got to see you only once, but that's better than nothing!