My daughter helped a friend out banding lobsters the other day. She grew up around them so isn't squeamish and knows the lobster half nelson(she's using here) that keeps your fingers safe, while you band their claws.She left stuffing bait bags to Eliot, who has a students license that allows him 85 traps.
Prices are very low, just over 2.00/ lb the day they unloaded in South Bristol.
Typical kids I see around here. Both full time college students, met at their regular summer jobs on the docks in Camden. Eliot fits that job around pulling his traps a few times a week, my daughter fits an internship at a local language school around her part time job. She loved getting out on the water to do this for fun, and brought home a half a dozen. We've been eating a lot of lobster these days as the price is so low.