My boat is my escape capsule... it is my place to go relax on weekends... even though that may mean sanding, waxing, varnishing, painting, fixing, etc. Deep in the back of my mind the boat sits as my FU plan should things go drastically down hill in any of several ways... (I'll just "run away" first star on the right and on 'till morning.)
It also forms the basis for basic planning of short vacations that I never take, or a retirement I may never get to.
The boat is the dream... and on occasion, I actually go sailing and fulfill bits of the dream... be it just day sailing and finishing the day with a cool brew, or going to a different harbor or cove for the weekend.
Along the way I also pursue the noble skills of a sailor and work to achieve all my goals of boat handling under sail alone... so satisfying. GRIN It's a game I thoroughly enjoy.