Perry Creek may be the situation that brings this issue into a more public view. For those not familiar with "destination moorings", they're simply moorings set in unregulated anchorages and harbors. People from anywhere usually contract a local marine biz that sets mooring and has them set a mooring in these anchorages for the purpose of having a mooring to connect to when they visit(some do it themselves). This destination mooring use, could be almost never, to spending the whole season on the mooring(another issue that may be around the corner).
I have some questions about them; Legally, are they considered moorings or just ground tackle left for occasional use? Either definition could mean different legal interpretations in the event of;
1- collision- who is liable if you run your motorboat through your local waters at night and slam into a boat with no anchor light, on a destination mooring set just last week?
2- You arrive after a long sail to anchor in your favorite spot, and later that night someone comes to their destination mooring, the wind shifts, and your scope allows you to knock their toe rail off at 3 am. Who's liable?
3- You arrive at another favorite anchorage after sailing for 8 hours into 30 knots and 6 to 8 footers, and find the spot you anchored in last season is now filled by a destination mooring, and there is no room to set your anchor. You tie to the destination mooring and go to sleep. What do say to the yacht club member that arrives later and demands "you now find a spot to anchor"? (Consider it's too dark to leave and you anchor close to shore, in the middle of the night, #2 happens)