The dikes in the city is a good thing to consider. It's piece meal now, reactive small fixes to limit damage in the new surge level. But even those in strongest denial must realize many areas are doomed(mostly lowest Jersey and NYC residential lowest areas).
Some insurance claims from Irene are still working through as Sandys approaching claims must look like the surge itself to the ins. co's. As long as the cash flow for repairs continues(fed and private insurance), the rebuild should be universal, even in the now-lower, areas. These are mostly well to do areas. Insurance premiums will rise but property values for sought after realestate will still back up the rebuilding.
Zoning I can't see having any effect(unless it gets serious), it's all grandfathered residential along the coast.
After the rebuild, it's just a waiting game that revolves around luck. Could be 80 years, could be next season, but it will come again.