Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

only 2 instances that I can document

I haven't done research but there are 2 instances I know personally (no need to do more research). One was near Roatan and the other incident was near Golfito Costa Rico. In both reports thugs used AIA transponder information to target a boat. On top of that is the fact that if Caribbean countries are tracking you why wouldn't thugs be tracking you? All you need is cheap receiver and since cruisers put down all their information, they have the size and type of a boat, distance, direction and other information. When traveling past some 3d world coast thugs lay in wait for some tasty morsel to come by and go out to greet it (that's a known fact). I've also read a couple of articles on the subject of AIS transponders and security as it relates to robbings. I see no reason to tell a group of thugs where you are, how big you are and if are traveling alone.

A number of posters on this board brag about how safe it is out there. It's not safe and you need to do what you can to protect yourself when alone and transititing an area with security problems. You can't avoid those areas. You just need to be realistic and know that this is a beautiful but dangerous world we live in and take appropriate steps for self preservation. Perhaps I wouldn't feel that way if I didn't have a number of friends who were victim's of robbing and beating while cruising.

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