Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Not really taking sides....

We have a bunch of idiot laws in our country. If a bar serves an individual to many drinks the bar can be held liable for the damages the individual causes. Ask ladder companies how much insurance they carry for idiots using their ladders in some way never intended. Even lawn mowers.

Probably not the best to fine the companies but there appears IMHO not much required to change SPOT's information to have an additional phrase sent with any message such as "Low SPOT battery". Something as simple as that message might save a lot of headache for some gov agency and not put addition lives at risk because of a misunderstood message. . But what motivation does SPOT have to do anything to assist in dealing with Dummies! Hell, even drug companies now put their product in "child proof" containers. How did that happen? Did they do that out of the goodness of their heart or was their some other motivation?

If the SAT phone by it's nature somehow started a SAR then wouldn't the phone manufacture be responsible. A lie by omission is still a lie. A SAR by omission is still caused by IMHO both the idiot that didn't change the batteries as well as the company that deigned the equipment. I doubt I'm in the mainstream with this thought. Hell, often I can't find the stream. But I don't believe all mistakes are always those of the end user. And too, I have no idea what your last line is about, none, nada, nunca. Sorry.


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