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I can't really agree. And the besmirching of the gorgeous boat..oh no.
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I agree that no lifelines are relatively unsafe.
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ARAMINTA, a sensible cruising design from 1959.
And going forward on a dark and stormy?
Bigger foredeck, bigger jibs to take down, bigger dragging anchors to deal with.
I agree that no lifelines are relatively unsafe.
No lifelines unsafe? I think you're being too hard on this nice little old boat, Steve.
I'm not being so hard (I think the Harken furler helps a lot ;^)))
In over 40 years...
Just about any older design looks better without lifelines or
One mans safety device is another mans hazzard.
They do make a handy clothesline.
And for tying jerry jugs on deck. Here's one more at the dock.
I actually got saved by my lifelines once.... hilarious stupidity!
I can't really agree. And the besmirching of the gorgeous boat..oh no.