In preparing my home for the possibility of being unoccupied at times, I want to install a frost protection device in my cellar. It is about 1,000 sq ft and half of that 1000 is crawl space. It never gets freezing cold down there, even though there's no heat source. But since the rest of the house will be kept colder than normal (ie 50 or so), I want to install an electric frost device down there. I don't see any reason the 240V 2,000 watt Stiebel wouldn't work, do you? Though it's a large area, I'd only be asking it to keep the space at 45F in an area that doesn't normally go much below that.
It seems like an elegant, cheap, simple solution. I do plan to drain the house water system if we will be away for a large part of a winter.
I stopped by Home Depot which carries them, hoping to get more info, but it's a catalog order and they're not really up to speed at the retail store.