Our insurance carrier required a survey, but to be honest, I don't know if anyone ever read it.
We actually had quite the go around with them when putting the policy into place. Questions went something like...."your engine, gas or diesel?"...diesel. "Inboard, Outboard or I/O?"....inboard. "Horsepower?"....18. "do you have a recent marine survey? ....yes, here's a copy. "OK, that will be a zillion dollars, send the check"....... What? Our previous boat was only $100, why is this one a zillion? "Well, because it is an inboard"..........but our previous sailboat was also an inboard and that was only $100? "This is a sailboat?"..........yes, this one is also a sailboat with an 18hp inboard diesel just like the last sailboat we had insured with you, just newer. "Oh, well then, that makes a difference. It's not an inboard, it's a sailboat. That will be $110, send the check".........
So, the insurance company never mentioned what the surveyor suggested we do and never made it a criteria for insurance.