ONE … track someone down who is coming over to visit another boat, this is usually quick (within a week), easily done and arranged by using the Cruiser Nets in GT, Marsh or just get on the VHF radio in more popular places like Staniel, etc. Most often, cruisers and their visitors are eager to help if the part you need is easy to get. I've done this many times for small stuff like charger cords, shaving cream, memory cards, small boat parts.
TWO … Have it sent to Watermakers in Lickerdale and from there to Staniel Cay. I have done this a bunch, including two new laptop computers over the years, never with any delay or problems, always very quick. I use a SAT phone or email and correspond directly with someone at Watermakers in Lauderdale. Last time I did it I think the fellow I was dealing with was "Tim". Worked great, I did pay a Watermakers "service charge" of around $50-$100, but I have never paid Duty;
THREE … I have had good experiences with having stuff brought from Lauderdale to G'town using Reggie's Express Air Service. They charge a nominal fee, per weight I think, and in the past I've not had to pay Duty, but these have always been boat parts spares, and I simply scan or fax them the Cruising Permit and they tape it to the box. I'm assuming Boat Parts spares are still free of Duty, but this always seems to change and you may never know what the agent will do ?
FOUR … if what you need is really important, and cost is not an issue, go to any major place in the Bahamas where you can get a cheap flight. Fly to Lauderdale, rent a car, drive around, get the part, and fly back. I did this once from GT and have heard many others do it as well. When I did it, I think I paid under $400 for RT airfare, and I think it was an Alternator that I got years ago, flown to Lauderdale next-day from Ham Ferris in Massachusetts. Well worth it for me then. We were up and going in two days, I got exactly what I needed … and paid no Duty. I just put the darn thing in my bag and no one checked.
I have not ever tried but have heard these stories a number of times and would never even consider DSL, UPS, FedEx, etc. no matter what the promise might be.
Cheers, John