he didn't hit one. We've had a couple of near misses over the years. One was directly under the boat with the head on one side and the tail on the other. You talk about the pucker factor. Luckily I was going down to the galley while Denny was sitting on the bow. She saw the whale and screamed and I happened to be right by the pilot house engine controls and was able to throttle back, slam it into reverse and power up just in time to slow us enough for her to slide by. We were 10 mile off shore and 200 miles south of the boarder. I didn't expect one so far off. Usually they go point to point traveling the shortest route. If he hit a whale you would expect some debris but a boat that small might not show that large of a debris footprint. It was a couple of days before the CG got the word and had very little to go on anyway.