Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

85* in Winterport!

We pulled into Winterport Boat Yard after a leisurely trip up the Penobscot. I had timed the trip to start at dead low at Fort Point but unfathomably we were meet with ebb and cross currents for at least an hour. I am now, under the belief that the Boat/US and US Harbors tide charts are on standard time not local (EDST) even though US Harbors says its on local time and is the same as Boat/US mobile app.
Anyway the trip was very nice and a first for us, as is this yard which is investing in itself with a new travel lift and other upgrades. All I can hope for is reasonably good work and fair prices, and that's what was promised to me. Time will tell. Oh its 85*!! Can you believe it?? We're panting...LOL.

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