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you buy TruFuel @ $32/gal or VP racing Fuel for $18/gal or go to the airport...
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Larry, just gotta move to one that does. a bit loaded with gas cans.
and buy 100 octane Av Gas (but that has lead in it). It's insanity!
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Boat US trying to push for the availability of Ethanol-free gas for boaters
Many marinas and fueling stops on the ICW sell ethanol free gas. I found it frequently.
Curious who adds the ethanol.
Re: Curious who adds the ethanol. Because of the water absorption thing . . .
Bulk distribution point is usually where the mix happens...
Link to site for ethanol free gas in U.S. and Canada
Re: Link to site for ethanol free gas in U.S. and Canada
Unfortunately there are states that don't allow it.
Larry, just gotta move to one that does. a bit loaded with gas cans.
you buy TruFuel @ $32/gal or VP racing Fuel for $18/gal or go to the airport...
Re: you buy TruFuel @ $32/gal or VP racing Fuel for $18/gal or go to the airport...
Re: you buy TruFuel @ $32/gal or VP racing Fuel for $18/gal or go to the airport...
Speaking as one who lives in Virginia
Re: Speaking as one who lives in Virginia
Re: Boat US trying to push for the availability of Ethanol-free gas for boaters
If I could be King For a Day...
Amen!! The whole concept of early caucus states sucks.
Caucus/Primary. Gives a few states WAY too much say in who runs. We in the west......
Re: Caucus/Primary. We in the west...... . . you in the west
Think of the new ICW, here at last!!