Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Re: We saw a Sea Turtle the other day

The turtles are making a great comeback in the Islands. They've become so numerous there has been talk of taking them off the endangered list. At least 3 live full time in Honokoha Harbor here in Kona. See at least one every time I go down to the boat. They've supposedly changed their diet feeding off the remains of filleted fish that the charter boats throw back in the harbor. Had one drown after getting tangled in a small qauge fishing line and wrapping it around my mooring chain. The poor creatures head was just a few inches below the surface at high tide but a few inches is a mile when trying to get to the water's surface.

We also have large tiger shark that comes into the harbor to feed on the fish carcasses and maybe even the turtles. The shark doesn't live in the harbor but comes in often enough that it's been given a name.

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