Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Each bit of evidence doesn't mean much. It is when it is taken in consideration of all the other...
In Response To: Dave, I read your book ()

evidence that it comes together.

Take the vocalization I recorded. Did you notice my three dogs? No. The mighty pit bulls were cowering in the cabin. Only the wide ranging pointer was brave enough to go outside, and she wouldn't enter the woods. These are dogs that chase off bears.

That video made no sense to me. My hunting friends were all over the map. Coyote, fox, owl, you name it. But playing those vocalizations on my laptop got no reaction from them. I set that video aside for almost a year. The following year when I realized that Sasquatches were real and we were living with them, I returned to that video. I googled Sasquatch and Bigfoot vocalizations. Nothing matched. Finally, I got a hit. It was a recording on the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon. The sound was identical, and the Native American said it was a Sasquatch.

It is well known among Sasquatch researchers that Sasquatch will imitate other animals, just as Native Americans can do.

I joined a Native American Sasquatch group and posted the video. I asked what it was. The responses were unanimous. They thought it was a juvenile Sasquatch imitating a coyote to lure my dog into the woods.

To this day, I cannot play that video when my dogs are around. They go nuts.

Being skeptical is OK with me. I wasn't skeptical before finding our first footprint. I considered the whole subject of Sasquatch to be ridiculous.

Oh, regarding bones. You won't find Sasquatch bodies or bones. Nature deals with dead animals very quickly. First scavengers rip apart the body and carry parts off. Then bacteria and fungus quickly decompose the rest. Within a couple of weeks, an animal body is gone. In all of my years of living and hiking in the forests of upstate New York, I have never found an animal carcass of any kind. It just doesn't happen.

Regarding blurry photos, yeah, Pareidolia is a real problem in the Sasquatch community. People are so anxious to see something that their imagination runs away with them. There are plenty of clear photos of Sasquatch, but they get buried in the blobsquatches or are accused of being photoshopped. The most famous, of course, is the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film taken at Bluff Creek, California. The Paul Freeman film is also quite good. Photos like this one show up often, but get lost in the mire. TV reality shows like Finding Bigfoot do a disservice to Sasquatch research. First of all, they will never find Bigfoot by whooping and hollering like damn fools. But more importantly, it compels weak minded people to run off into the woods and do the same thing, and then photograph nothing, draw a red circle around it and claim they found Bigfoot.

There are probably ten Bigfoot idiots for every serious researcher. Perhaps the most notable today is professor Jeff Meldrum from the University of Idaho. Meldrum inherited the footprint cast collection from Dr. Grover Krantz upon his passing. Meldrum continued collecting casts and has the best scientific analysis of the anatomy of a Sasquatch foot today.

Sasquatch is real. Take it from someone who went from you're-full-of-crap to holy-crap.

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