Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I'm still not over the quality of the food and wine in Italian restaurants.

I chalk the higher quality - at a much lower price - to a restaurant culture steeped in a different century. There are plenty of rip-offs in Italy - being a tourist destination, but there is strong local heritage of generations of restaurant owners.

I think that means that their costs are better controlled. They've handed down their brick and mortar through the generations so the building costs are lower. And often those working the restaurants - all areas - are related and have grown up in the business. Some of these restaurants are staffed by mostly family and their product is locally grown - wines as well. They know what works(great service and very good food!), and how much patrons are happy to pay. The best ones may require a week ahead reservation, despite being surrounded by other restaurants that don't. The restaurant is a family annuity, not a gamble.

Contrast that with home: Two new restaurants will open down the street from me in a few weeks. High rents, short season, high staff turnover, high cost of food too much of which is shipped long distance and the result: expensive. If the food is good, the could make a go of it. If the food is so-so, they'll be a one season restaurant. Too many choices to suffer expensive, poor food.

A glass of local table white with your grilled Bream: $3.00 in on Guidecca island just off touristy Venice. Prepared and served by the 5th generation of owners.

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