Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Different kind of "rigging", but the principle is basically the same: to hold something up (pic)
In Response To: Wednesday is PHOTO DAY! (pic) ()

Last weekend, climbing in the desert in the interior of BC.

The desert wasn't warm, as we'd expected (usually is this time of year) --an Arctic cold front had come through and temps were not too much over freezing (it finally warmed up a bit by around 3/4 pm).

It may just be that the kid in the picture is crying a bit and it may be that the parents in the foreground are feeling a bit of guilt, but mixed with encouragement. Probably better to start on a much easier climb, and on warm rock instead, next time...

If she, our little one, ends up not taking to that aspect of the outdoors (climbing), perhaps boats and rigging are in her future instead ;-) Which would be just fine.

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