Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

You don't need one that works with the Mac...

unless you are using it for other things. Running VMware or Parallels, the USB handling is being passed off to the Windows system through the hypervisor, I believe. You would install the Windows driver for the device on the virtual machine. I have done this with a number of non-Mac supported devices, including serial port emulators. Keyspan does make the USA-28XG, which is a two port adapter (with mini DIN 8 plugs, so you would have to have the right cable). That is similar to the one I have. List price is high but maybe you could find one on Ebay, for example:

I'm not sure if there is a PC driver for that, so you would have to configure the serial port on the Mac OS side - that used to be possible in Parallels, but I haven't kept up with the latest developments.

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