Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

From this side (where he couldn't see what was happening)

I think it really didn't look that tough. The waves didn't look like they were really breaking; and, he had a lot forward bouyancy going for him.

I'm not sure it was so "prudent", but it didn't look as crazy.

There was a video of a Beneteau (or Jenneau) shooting an entrance in (as I recall) Puru or Chile that was a lot more terrifying. It worked out for the Beneteau. I think that a cruising boat which is heavy would have a harder time in that sort of wave because it won't surf.

Of course, if the wave is just too steep and high on the backside (which you can't see when you're coming into it), then you can bury a hull on a cat -- that would have been a much different story. :^)

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