Cruising Sailors Forum Archive


As live aboards go, I guess it is, but when compared to a tiny apartment, not so much. I'll be able to launch and start renovation projects by the end of the month. With me, Pam, Ruby the pit bull, Smudge the evil two-different-colored-eyes cat, Charlie the three legged Siamese, and Tony the Guinea Pig, it should be an adventure. LOL!

Next step is to rent a storage unit and start moving stuff out of our apartment. Then launch the boat, hope it floats, and get it to a dock. Which dock is still up in the air. Then, see what works and what doesn't. With the boat being on the hard for almost two decades, I'm guessing that most stuff won't work, like the A/C and the refrigerator. The stuff that will work will probably be things I don't care about, like the trash compactor, central vacuuming system, and SSB. Stay tuned...

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