Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Wind tunnel

I would have to admit that a full enclosure does bring some disadvantages such as Jon describes. The fact is that having the knowledge of its limitations is part of the solution. Keeping alert to changing conditions, poking one's head 'outside' periodically or even removing a panel to gain improved visiblity at times is all part of the solution.

One of the interesting effects of a hardtop/bimini enclosure is that when one removes the side or even front panels on a nice day, living permanently in the shade is much colder. This effect is amplified by the wind tunnel effect some have described. I've been much more uncomfortable here in the PNW on a 'nice' day when I only get the wind chill effect and don't have the sun's rays warming my skin and clothing.

All in all, however, like so many boat compromises, I'll take what I've got.

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