I checked every inch of pressure line I could find, all the connections at the tank, pump and sinks. I did a visual inspection of the tank through the inspection port and could see no cracks. I then added the remaining pink antifreeze I had to the tank and powered up the pressure pump. It ran and acted like if could not get a prime. Opened one of the faucets to let the air out, that didn't help. So........what my inspection told me is that there was about 1" of antifreeze left on the bottom of the water tank before I added more. I could find no evidence of pink antifreeze anyplace but the bilge. The antifreeze I added must not have been enough to allow the system to pressurize but I did not want to add water. Because of the wedge shape of the tank I find it hard to believe that water could have frozen and cracked the tank. So, I think this project is on hold until Spring.