Ceramic filter media although capable of providing good retention simply doesnt have the flow capacity (gpm/psid) versus a 'conventional' (spun bonded or pleated) because of its relatively poor 'permeability'. The typical flow rate comparison is usually 1/10th the flow rate of a 'pleated' (5 sq. ft. with a flow of ~10 gpm/psid capacity). This 'low capacity' in comparison to a 'pleated' or 'spun bonded' results in 10+ times the velocity 'through' the media and thus leads to very short service life because the particulate is 'driven' very deeply into the filter media by the relative high velocity. ... and the result is about 10% of the service life of that of a 'pleated'. So, if you have a ceramic 'candle' filter, you'll be cleaning it quite often.
Microbial retention in such filters is based on 'thickness' (as the 'pores' are about 10-20X the µM 'rating') and once you start 'sanding down' the surface, the retention efficiency at the µM rating rapidly decreases.
Better to use a 2 stage or serial filtration of: 1,0µM (99.9%) pleated or spun bonded followed by an 'independent' carbon packed filter. .... and its vastly more efficient to 'filter' the water *as you take it onboard* than to filter it from the tankage - keeps a lot of pathogens OUT of the tank!