Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

AC Wiring

The wiring on my 37 year old boat needs a little freshening. I have never used the AC circuits on the boat because I didn't trust the old Romex wire and I just haven't had a need for AC on the boat. My insurance company requested a survey and the only thing the surveyor found as a necessary upgrade was the AC wiring. So now I'm faced with the decision to either upgrade or tear out the old wiring. I had a look at it over the weekend and all the wiring is fairly easy to access and there is only about 45 feet of it so I figured it wouldn't be much more effort to re-wire than it would be to just rip it out.

I have worked with household wiring but I would like to conform to whatever standards there are for boat wiring. I've seen discussions saying there aren't really any in the US but everyone goes by ABYC even though it's not law. In Canada it sounds like TP 127 is the applicable standard. Any words of wisdom on the proper type of wire to use for 115VAC 15 Amp circuits?

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