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Schnorkel...Is that Cherr-man for weatherhead?
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You can also use a "snorkel"
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Joining coax cables
Your best bet is to use connectors and a barrel
Is it an SMA connector? or a mini UHF?
How about for a VHF coax?
Don't splice coax
It's deck stepped.
Deck stepped masts.
These are all good suggestions
The best way to join is RF cable is with connectors
I did some searching on the web
My mast is deck stepped too...
Based on advice and lots of reading
You can also use a "snorkel"
Internal snorkel.
That's pretty much what I have now
Schnorkel...Is that Cherr-man for weatherhead?
I'm pretty sure it's from the French "la snorkelle."
Ahhh! Bien Sûr
Charlie, I happen to know you are very familiar with "le snore"
Best is to shorten and re-attach the plug.
Al has it, shorten and re-attach the plug...
Agreed this is best in most applications...
coax splice