Thanks to everyone for your feedback. Unfortunately, beginning with the first reply and continuing downward, there seems to have been a misinterpretation of my original question.
I'm not asking for advice regarding which device to purchase. That decision long ago (having used all of them in my work), and it's not a decision I would ever reconsider. Further, I didn't want this to be a post regarding the pros and cons of the various devices. (I am curious about Dave's comment "The ipad for extended reading is a PITA". Is this statement as an "iPad owner", or is it just based on the opinions of others who have never owned one?)
Regardless, I'm looking for someone who has previously tackled the problem of scanning and/or converting their OWN libraries, either into PDF or any of the alternate eReader formats. Commercially converted books are available in greater numbers than one could possible read. And a format that works on one device, can easily be converted to work on any device. The better devices (no names to be mentioned) will read ALL of the formats without conversion. At most, one simply uses a different reader application.
>>> What I AM looking for a quick and cost-effective means to convert the remainder of my OWN library. These are books that I CANNOT buy online from the publisher in a digital format. Although this is something I can easily and effectively do myself quite (and have done extensively), I just don't have the time to do the rest. I'm hoping to find someone who has had this done themselves and who knows of a cost-effective vendor to finish the project for me.
Thanks again for your replies.