Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

NOT so!


NOT SO! As I said on our web page of the project, the built-in unit cost was very low.

I wrote, “After a bit we settled on $125.00, and if it would not run I could return it for a full refund. It ran just fine! After I beat the dents out of the metal with a 2 by 4. We used it for about 2 years as just a freezer in the aft cabin. As we did not pay full price and it was “Pre-dented” I didn't feel bad about moving it about as required. We also felt that when (not if) it went belly-up, we could just give it a toss.”

By going to the supplier of the vacuum panes I paid less than about $350.00 or so. Plus the $8.00 for the Home Depot panel that I used as templates for the company to make my super panels.

So you see, the cost was VERY low compared to a LOT of the systems I have seen out cruising. I know of many boats that ran up costs of well over $2,500+!!!!

So, the extra Engle unit in the aft cabing was easy.


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