OK -- I see your point - quick to praise, reluctant to criticize - but, my point is that in praising various things, people get the impression that what you say is accurate, when in fact it may not be. Yeah, shit happens, but for Christ sakes, the way I read your story is that the real problems were a small feed line and a loose access hatch- the yard should have known the first and not caused the second - how much dough did you shell out because of this? - cleaning, labor, lost fuel, new fuel, fuel bosses, slip fees due to delays - sounds like several grand to me - yet to only praise for these guys - it does not add up - you may not want to denigrate the yard, but praising them? Hopefully, you may discover the disconnect between those taking your money and those doing the work - and btw, I would check my ground tackle - more so if a yard touched it