Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I have a Max Prop ... I pull it every year ...

that's probably overkill, but the reason is I haul once a year, on the hard for 5-6 months, it's quick & easy to do, so why not ... and for a couple months I sit on the ICW tucked in where there is little water exchanged, and the water is foul, really nasty. I don't like to treat my Max Prop with any kind of coating, so I put on a fixed blade prop while she sits there, it gets nasty too. I've tried the plastic bag trick, STP, Desitin, grease and a number of other things. Right before I go to the Bahamas, sometimes on the way out the Inlet, I'll short haul at lunchtime, the yard gives me a couple hours, enough time to pull the fixed blade and put the Max Prop back on, I never leave the slings, it doesn't cost that much. Sometimes I'll hang in the slings overnight and put a little more bottom paint on. In the meantime, I will take the whole thing apart and give it a good clean / scrub, check it all out, buff it with a roto-zip, wet-sand it with fine paper, and put a couple coats of wax on it, buff it again, easier to do off than on. Highly polished ... it pretty much stays that way for several months in the Bahamas, not much growth over there, occasionally I will scrub it will a Scotch-brite paid while snorkeling. I'll put in a new set of cotter pins, all new grease, snug down all the allen screws & nut. And a new set of zincs, one on the aft end of the prop and one on the shaft.

PYI says you can grease the prop every couple years, but I like how it feels, rotates & feathers with all new grease inside ... I think there is a difference getting all the old gunk out of there.

One time I did notice a very small hair line crack on the Hub. FedEx'd it back to PYI, and a brand new one showed up free of charge the following day.

Cheers, John

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