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I prefer fried fritters with a side of Zebra....
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I always loved Manatee Chowder
Sort of sea and Sahara.
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Weird thoughts
Everything craps in the ocean.
I understand it's completely legal if you're in the water when you do it.
CNN yesterday - Article about the World needing more Toilets
I was lucky to find this, and quite a few others like it, in Italy.
A novel concept,,, instead of more toilets how about less people?
Not a novel idea at all...
The economies of the world are predicated on continuous growth and that includes population...
So, why not growth through better quality of life?
Hey, I rant alla time about overpopulation...but we're currently predicated on growth only.
Next step
I remember a government study on why some dogs bark a lot.
I always loved Manatee Chowder
I prefer fried fritters with a side of Zebra....
I understand that they are good tasting.
Antigua story..
In Mexico....
He was a survivor!
Very good!
Anyone else eaten whale?
Had whale in Bequia eons ago
eating whale