I watched the tide at dawn bring a Cape Dory 28 trawler out of Rockport Mass(the lesser), and a very large sailboat(I haven't a clue what it is) out of Deleware, within knocking distance of each other. The CD had anchored first(rules are rules), with a small Danforth, a yard of white chain, and hundreds of feet(it looked like it coming up), of nylon rode. The Big boat lowered anchor and chain, twice, until they thought they had space.
They never did thump(I was sure they would). They seemed to be tied stern to beam, and no one was visible on either boat.
I finally rowed by on my way to shore with the dogs, and the older couple on the trawler, were in the cockpit enjoying coffee with two couples on the big boat, that were sitting on the rail, also with coffee.
The 6 were having a gentle quiet conversation as the distance between them was about that you'd find at a busy sidewalk Bistro table.
That was nice to see everyone so laid back. Maybe Maine does that?
The wind finally tightened each rode, and the trawler fetched up about a half mile away from the big boat.