Most of those boats on the had actually floated off their stands or cradles. Not a lot you can do about that except to store further inland at higher elevation.
In Maine we're very lucky that we have such elevations so close to the waters edge.. Still I'll take my mooring in a hurricane over being on dry land.. I actually rode this one out on Paul D's mooring, which is even better protected than my own little hurricane hole... Having seen some dry land aftermath in Florida, after numerous hurricanes, it is hard for me to grasp how dry land storage is safer when the boats fall over onto each other.. Nothing is perfect in a hurricane but our mooring was specifically built for and designed for the worst case scenario. Our boats have survived every Nor'Easter and our family boats survived hurricanes on moorings when boats on the hard or at docks did not. Not everyone is as lucky as we are in Maine with the protected locations to place moorings being so abundant and in that case on the hard mast down would be my choice....