My Tayana boat did essentially the same thing when the bobstay parted .... lucky for me the bolt that connects the sprit midspan to the DECK ripped entirely through the decking and didnt pull the deck along with it. The sprit 'elevated' only a few inches. If there would have been a VERY large backing plate behind that sprit hold-down bolt, my boat could have looked like this one that hit a bridge. Hans Christian boats have a gammon iron on the sprit so that if the bobstay goes and the headstay releases, the forestay holds up the rig ... the gammon iron is connected to the HULL not the 'deck'. Bob Perry designed the HC 38 (with the gammon Iron) ... makes you wonder why he used only a deck through bolt to 'back up' the sprit on the Ty37. The 'through deck sprit bolt' is what caused this 'mess' on the boat that hit the bridge .... the throughdeck bolt brought the foredeck with it.