I agree with Brian, lazy jacks work fine. They are easy, simple, and cheap. I often furl the mainsail myself standing near the clew, main halyard in my hand with a single turn on the winch, and help the sail flake itself as it comes down. It works especially well with a fully battened mainsail, but even without a fully battened main it should work fine. You might have to give the aft few feet of the mainsail a little help after it comes down to have it flaked nicely over the boom, but it isn't a big deal.
There is a good article about lazy jacks and KISS at Attainable Adventure. They're as seasoned as they come (for that matter, Brian is pretty seasoned too!) and prefer the simplicity of lazy jacks. It's well worth the minimal (like $10 or $20) contribution they ask to support the wealth of informative articles they share there.