How many wives or husbands has cruising and or sailing cost you?? You know, "it the boat or ME" statement. I'm numbering my X's at 2. I ask this because the other night my (current and sure to be last) wife and I were walking through the Shelter Island Boatyard here in San Diego where I'm having some work done. We walked by a 50 something foot power boat with two brand new 6 blade props all polished up and ready to go and the yard lights were just sparkling off them. She said "I want one of those, they're just like art!" This was about 8 o:clock at night. It was dark, cold, raining with the wind was blowing and she's loaded down with stuff that we're taking off the boat. I thought, "well, she lived aboard for 14 years, cruised with me, does all the varnish on the boat and still can admire a polished up prop. It took three times but I guess I finely got it right". So guys and gals, it may take some of you a couple tries but my proof is your hope. Good luck.