You were in my neck of the woods. The Atlantic is impressive, for sure. I don't know if you tried to raise me on the radio but it's unlikely I'm listening on a busy weekend in western LIS (just too much gibberish and radio checks).
Late Sunday on the way in from a beautiful day sail, I suddenly got an electrical engine alarm and very soon after smelled the acrid smell of burning wires. I was entering the harbor within a hundred yards of a vacant mooring so I grabbed it to check things out. Bottom line is that the engine starts, runs and stops, but no charging. My engine light indicator panel has melted wires on the rear. A wire had caught in the chain/sprocket combination inside the steering pedestal and shorted. Still trying to sort out the extent of the resulting damage. Melted parts are on order. Alternator might be OK but it doesn't get a field voltage to know the engine's on, so it's not putting anything out. Might take a week or three to sort out, but at least I can use the boat if I need to (solar for charging).