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The replica ships Niña and Pinta
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Photoday! Itest the iphone chart plotter.
Visiting at the Dolphin Marina in Harpswell a couple weeks ago.
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Photoday! Itest the iphone chart plotter.
The replica ships Niña and Pinta
Nina and Pinta
Wonder how many of those there actually are?
Yacht Atlantic
A working Gaffer
Setting the bunk flat trim in Jaunty.
Those are great clamps. Shame they're so pricey.
Yeah, I got about ten or twelve of'em. Used to use them more. Here's some "other clamps" pic.
As a retired pro woodworker I can tell you for certain, no matter HOW many clamps you have, you'll always need
Just so.
I have about 30 clamps and needed a lot more than four more last winter.
30?? Piker. Heck- I've got thirty on the walls
Ayep -
Supposed to be under Al's post durnit
Heh. Worse things have happened....
That was in the old shop. You don't want to see a pic from now, since I'm not working out there every day
They are on a mooring to ride out Arthur, Chris.
Their mooring is being tested right now with 65 kt gusts.
Art's going up the Bay of Fundy, so the coast is on the windy side.
Chris, do you plan on passing thru the Bras 'd Or before heading out to Newfoundland...?
Tashmoo a bit open to the forecast north gusts.
Tashmoo locals get nervous in a North wind.
Too late now, I'm up in Lake Tashmoo...
You're in a good spot Jon
Been a while since someone told me they had an anchor that doesn't drag.
Uh-oh, looks like one guy has already dragged...
No blogs is good blogs?
Arthur gave us a peak gust of 33kts at 5am on Penobscot Bay.
Pretty much the same here on MDI
You guys had luck on your sides. I love luck. Glad to hear it.
Hit us big time in St Andrews
We are sitting on a CCA club mooring...
Baddeck in 6-8 days