Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Re: Dinghy chaps/You aren't missing a thing. If / I've had

teo different sets. One designed by a professional in Mazatlan which caused so much drag that I had to cut them open at the back and just let them flap. The other set I designed and sewed myself which works fine. I believe the secret is to have the cloth fitted well to the contour of the tube AND not so low on the back of the tube. Mine follows the rub rail completely around the boat. I have a 1/8 inch Dacron cord that is connected to the transom using an eye strap screwed into it next to the tube. It runs in a sleeve at the bottom of the chaps right at the rub rail all the way around and is pulled up tight at the other side of the transom. It's so tight that water can't be forced up under the material. The mesh material is a waste of time.

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