Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

Re: Since we're talking winter, and of course heaters... how about something really small?

On Tappan Zee we have a bulkhead mounted diesel Newport Dickenson heater. H style stack unit on deck. We only use the fan on start up and cool down. Pluses- dry heat, low fuel cost, safe from fumes and cheery fire thru window. minus's one setting even though there is a dial with numbers (too low and it soots up too high and it roars) also there is some soot that gets on deck from the stack. We have been pleased for 15 years in the PNW using this. Attended a 'warm dryboat' seminar some time back. The gist was using cabin air for combustion drys the air in the boat. Outside air in drizzling 100% humidity and 45' brought in the boat and heated to 70' results in dry low relative humidity air. We were always coming in from outside dripping and the dry inside air dryed everything.

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