I normally only carry insurance for the Chesapeake Bay. My insurance premium went up quite a bit after Isabelle in 2003. When I added coverage for my trip up to the northeast this time I was surprised by how little extra I had to pay. The response from the Boat/US underwiter was that there had been no major storms in the NE for a number of years. I guess rates will be raised again soon.
Reflecting on how people prepare their boats for events like this it amazes me that there are individuals who just step off their boats and think that from then on its the insurance company's responsibility to pay for any damage. I saw boats here in the marina and in the mooring field that were prepared to the hilt, and others that were just left behind, with roling furling jibs up, biminis, dodgers, dingy's on davits, lots of other windage on deck and lack of mooring lines or fenders. It bothers me that I am paying in my premium rate for these individuals' lack of responsibility and interest in their property.
But then again, I spoke to the owners of a brand new Hylas. They stripped the deck everything, put extra pennants with chafing gear on their big mooring, and then were hit by another boat that broke loose. That's what insurance is for. Insurance is protection against damage from an uncertain event that is beyond your control. It should not cover (gross) negligence.
(used to work in the re-insurance industry).