At least when I was last there in 2007 the available government charts and electronic charts for the Western Caribbean were not all that accurate in many areas. Be particularly wary of the offshore banks, reefs, etc. from Honduras on down to Providencia and Panama. I spoke to more than one person who managed to hit something hard due to trusting their electronic charts too much. One guy lost his boat doing that while I was there. In general, when offshore in that region stay a good mile or two off anything you might not be able to see clearly, or at night. I ended up using some very old charts dating back to the 19th century and they were OK, except for lat/long being off. In the San Blas, the only charts I saw worth anything were the sketch charts in the Eric Bauhaus cruising guide called The Panama Cruising Guide. In any case down there you want to be using eyeball navigation most of the time, especially when in close.