Was to mount the pump in a box on deck. You can see it peeking out from behind the propane tanks. I also keep two pieces of hose in that compartment. BUT, the compartment is not required. You could just put it in a plastic tool box and use a cord to put it in place when needed. We used it a lot in the San Francisco bay for the anchor chain, but almost not at all, "for the anchor chain" in the Sea of Cortez.
What we did use it a lot for in the Sea of Cortez was for cooling off the boat. As others have said, it works.
BUT, by using two hoses, one for the pickup and one for the spray end, it worked *** SO MUCH BETTER *** than ANY of the built-in ones other boats had!!!!!
You see, in the Sea it is not uncommon for the water temps to be in the 95+ degree temps during the summer. However, if you snorkel, you will find that just 10 foot or so down or so you go through a thermocline! what we found was that the water there could be as much as 20 degrees cooler!!!! SO, it was like having an air conditioner! We would just wet down the decks every couple of hours to keep the inside very cool. we put a small water filter and a collar zinc as a weight on one end of the pickup hose, drop it over the side as deep as required to pick up that cold water. Then ENJOY!
And O Yes, it still works great for showers, washing, cleaning fish and all the other normal stuff.