We've done that often over the years. But I tried to resist the temptation to sail outside of familiar routes as well as spending the night in familiar harbors. There are many layers of coastal cruising in our area, not far from where we live, I've found. We sail a lot more of our distance in this ZOOM mode. Instead of crossing miles off, we sail for a block of time. That usually puts us somewhere good when we've had enough. Sailing is a zen thing for us, even our dogs. We also covered more miles in the dinghy, for pleasure, exploring a little more deeply than usual. My wife has no double wave.
We see friends close to home, like John on CLOUD NINE. ZOOM in is fun, but after a season of that, I get the urge to stretch our sailing legs a little the next season. It's sort of a cycle with me. The boat seems to like that too.