Thanks all for your often illuminating thoughts. Just to be clear, my wife has been sailing with me for two years now, on our Cape Dory 27 around Penobscot Bay and a two week charter in the southern Bahamas on a not-quite-yet-derelict Pearson 40. She loves sailing at least as much as, perhaps even more than, me. I was content to just settle into day sails and occasional overnights on our 27. She's the one who wants more. I think I did say I really lucked out when I met her. When I mentioned to her the old saying "Go far, go slow, go now" she said Yes!!!. But she still thinks I'm some kind of all-knowing sailing god and looks to me for all decisions to be made which is a bit intimidating. I've never had to justify my decisions to anyone but my faulty memory.
So the bottom line is this has been a great help, just trying to put my circular musings into a straight line and reading all your comments. Thanks, guys.