Making lee cloths for the saloon sea berths. Should have done it awhile ago, save me from sleeping with my foot braced against the table. I have planned this long ago but now some mods have gotten in the way of what I was originally going to do. My current plan is a simple fabric panel, Dyneema line sewn into the hem top and bottom. Lines stretched between the bulkheads at each end, clipped to Wichard folding pad eyes. Lowest line right on the berth surface (about 5" below the cushion, top line - ??? how high? We aren't expecting to visit high latitudes during hurricane season (actually, already done that). I thinking too high and it makes it hard to get out of (yes I can unclip one end). It seems like it will do the job even if only 6 or 8" above the cushion. There of course will be a catenary in both top and bottom lines, so I think the ends need to be maybe 12 or 16 inches apart. I expect to make up the bottom line as tight at possible, and expect to sew maybe a 4 inch arc in that edge.
Anybody have thoughts or experiences on this?