You may encounter some disagreements as to grounding too. Obviously you should have as much copper ground as possible---in the past, there were some fantastic numbers discussed, 100 feet some have said. However, with the newer tuners, I have found that one doesn't need as much counterpoise. I have a Icom 710 (no longer made) with a 130 Icom tuner. My grounding strap is probably 9 feet and anchored to a grounding plate made in Australia that, unfortunately are no longer manufactured by Moonraker. So far, my rig has operated as it should and I have found that the SSB, to my thinking, is a "must have" item. My 710 is a BIG radio---one foot square with weight to match. Finding a place for it in the nav station took some creative work, but I like where it is and have no complaints. Wiring is a bit complicated, but you can do it.
Mike Meier