Cruising Sailors Forum Archive


Added on 12" teak laminated bowsprit and double anchor roller to the original design for less weather helm, easier anchoring. Cut the bits and pieces for the anchor roller from 1/4" silicon bronze on the band saw. Sand the cut edges like wood, jig it up and off to the welders.

I bent the pulpit from schedule 40 3/4" silicon bronze water pipe. Built a disc to the desired radius, a sandwich of two outside pieces of 1/2" ply with a slightly smaller diameter center disc 1/2" with a strap on one side to hold the pipe end while bending. Kept the pipe from kinking. Mark the center on the pipe, put it at the top mark, bend away. For larger radii, just eyeball it and bend less. If it looks good, it is good. Jig it up, off to the welder.

Lotsa fun considering I was doing it with the boat in a covered storage across the yard, a 10 by 10 rental unit being my "shop", all electricity for saws and such coming from the single bulb in the unit with a screw in cord/lightbulb addition. Occasionally blew the breaker but the office guy liked me......he also played a mean tin pan alley piano. Had thumbtacks on the hammers for that "tin pan" sound. Great old guy, long gone.

Just turned the bow chain plate around, bent it a bit more and bolted up to the sprit in addition to other bolts through the deck for its support. I made a plug for the bobstay fitting down on the bow, had it cast at a foundry in bronze. Those were the fun days...

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