Cruising Sailors Forum Archive

I use the "Furlboom" brand------WebKitFormBoundaryJ2Rqg8Zo+e5ZKBs8

Hi Ron,

quite satisfactorily. I studied and shopped hard for a couple of years, concluding that L-F and Furlboom ( were my only reasonable choices. Sail shape is great. Both Jon and Todd are on the money with respect to boom angle being the key to smooth operation.

Because my main is only 400 sq ft, I first tried to use it with a manual winch but even if you're physically up to it it's preposterously slow. I'm delighted with a Harken 44 electric winch with both lines led aft to the same side, as Jon recommends.

I feel a hell of a lot better about my wife operating the main while tethered in the cockpit.

Best regards, Don Parker ------WebKitFormBoundaryJ2Rqg8Zo+e5ZKBs8

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